Your 15-year-old doesn’t know this.

Read this if your kid is struggling to choose an interest.

Think back to your 15-year-old self and ask:

Did you have any idea you would be doing what you're currently doing?

Did you think you would be living the life you're currently living?

I know I didn't...

When I was 15, I was convinced that Political Science was my calling.

I remember being part of Model UN and talking about my dream of working in the field to anyone who would listen.

I truly believed I would work in that field forever, and for a while, it seemed like I was right.

My passion took me through a Master’s and Doctorate at Oxford, and I even published three books on the subject.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved my Political Science and International Relations career.

But along the journey, I discovered something else—a growing love for education and mentorship.

At some point, I realized that’s what my heart truly wanted.

Fast forward to today, I'm a full-time College Admissions Consultant—a very different world from where I began!

So why am I sharing this with you?

Because if your kid is struggling to choose an interest is because they believe they'll have to follow one path forever and fear making the wrong choice.

Here’s the thing:

Passions evolve naturally over time.

The key is to stick with something long enough to see if it’s a good fit.

If your child is struggling to find their passion in high school, the best thing to do is pick something, dive in, and see what insights and opportunities come up.

That's why starting early matters. It gives kids more room to make mistakes and change direction if needed.

I go into this topic in more detail in the Finding Your Passion Masterclass inside the College Admissions Academy.

Your child will also get step-by-step exercises to break down all barriers and get them started!

And if your child enrolls within the next 3 days

They'll still be able to attend the first group coaching call on August 18th!

It's a great opportunity to bring questions, get personalized advice to carry into the school year, and hear what other students are doing.

Just click the link below to get all the details and sign up:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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