These students are using personal branding to get ahead.

They also win internships, scholarships, and make connections they never dreamed of.

Many competitive students may seem similar on paper.

They usually do well in measurable areas like test scores, GPAs, and class ranks.

So to win the admissions game they need to go beyond just grades and test scores or what I call the “quantifiables.

They need to find a way to showcase what makes them unique.

Without this, they risk being ignored, missing out on opportunities, and ultimately ending up in the rejection pile.

So what’s the best way to stand out?

That’s the million-dollar question every parent is asking. Sadly, most schools don’t teach students how to stand out.

It’s something many people pick up later in their careers—if they ever learn it at all.

But your child isn’t like everyone else!

Their goals and ambitions mean they need to think bigger and approach things differently.

I’ve found the best way for students to truly stand out is by building their personal brand.

Unfortunately, many don’t even take that first step because they feel it’s too hard to start.

But inside the College Admissions Academy, we make sure that’s never an issue.

In the very first module, we lay the groundwork for what I call their “Student Brand,” and they can start this process as early as 8th grade.

This works for every student, and unlike most admissions advice out there, they don’t need to act like someone they’re not to get into college.

We guide students to build their brand by staying true to who they are, and the results speak for themselves—even before they apply to colleges.

I’m talking about becoming top candidates for internships, landing scholarships, and making connections they never dreamed of.

If they put in just an hour a week, by 12th grade they’ll have a clear edge when it’s time to apply.

If your child is in 8th, 9th, or 10th grade, we’d love to have them on board.

Our next live coaching call is this Sunday, the 13th.

Want to learn more? Just click the link below:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

P.S. Because this is “College Admissions Secrets,” I’ve been secretly working on a project for the last year. I’m almost done.

It’s directly related to today’s topic and I’m sure it will help a lot of families.

If you care to guess what it is reply to this email, and if you guess right you may even get a peek before anybody else.

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

🏫 Need recommendations or have admissions questions?
Click here to join a community of 19,000 ambitious parents.

📋 Need specialized help for your child?
Click here to get an initial admissions assessment for your child.


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