The “well-rounded” era is over — here's what's next.

How to not be good at everything and STILL get into a top college...

Most high-achieving students have impressive accomplishments but lack a clear direction or specialty.

They fall for the classic "well-rounded" trap.

They think they need to be good at everything to get into a top college...

So they join clubs, take as many AP classes as possible, and pursue all sorts of disconnected extracurriculars.

The result?

A disjointed application that leaves admissions officers scratching their heads.

And when you’re reviewing hundreds of applications per day, the last thing you’ll do is try to put the pieces together.

Always remember:

A confusing application gets tossed straight into the rejection pile.

To address this issue, I developed my student branding framework.

You see, we're living in the era of the personal brand.

If you look at some of the biggest names today—they've built their empires based on their personality:

Kim Kardashian leveraged her personal brand to become a business mogul.

Elon Musk's tweets alone can send stocks soaring or plummeting.

And Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson went from wrestler to the world's highest-paid actor.

Fortunately, many have yet to realize the power of a personal brand in college applications, giving your kid an advantage.

If a strong personal brand can start careers, build businesses, and influence markets

It can also help your kid gain admission into their dream college.

The best part?

It's easier than you might think and if done correctly, your kid’s application will have a lasting impact well beyond the initial review.

So how to actually build a student brand?

I cover it all in my masterclass:

"The 5-Day Student Brand."

Right now, the only way to access this masterclass is to first get my best-selling book, "How to Win the Million Dollar Admissions Game"

The book is only $2.99, and buying it lets you unlock the complete branding masterclass and four special gifts.

If you worry about your kid being overlooked among high-achievers, I highly recommend checking out this masterclass.

Just remember, there's only one way in...

You can grab your copy of my book using the link below:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas avatar picture.

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

PS. Here’s what Anu, a longtime community member and marketing professional, had to say about this masterclass:

"I have always tried to encourage my children to think about how they're different/unique in their own way, rather than get bogged down on how they can 'be better, smarter, [fill in your favorite xxxx-er]' than their classmates...

Your masterclass, 'How to Create a Student Brand' gave me the knowledge and tools I need as a parent to help my son value his unique strengths/perspective and BEGIN the process of discovering his 'brand.'"

Anu Sukhdial

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

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