Red Cross volunteer develops phone app.

We frequently hear news stories about seemingly “perfect applicants” who get rejected by top colleges.

These articles never tell the full story.

After analyzing dozens of these cases for my newsletter and Facebook group, I've noticed a pattern.

While I can't know everything about their applications, there's almost always one critical piece missing:

Brand consistency.

Whether they realize it or not, every student has a brand.

Their brand creates the overall impression an admissions officer gets from the limited information on their application—their achievements, personality, and story.

When that brand is inconsistent or conflicting it stops even the most accomplished students from getting into their dream school.

Let me  illustrate this with an example:

Imagine a country singer suddenly dropping a rap album. 

Their fans would become outraged—or at the very least, confused.



It doesn’t fit the singer’s style, personality, and story.

The same principle applies to college applications.

Now imagine a student with a 4.0, 1590 SAT, and a STEM focus...

But then they have hundreds of hours volunteering at the Red Cross, a thrown-together app, and their essay is about their public speaking fear.

There's no clear story or link between their activities and goals.

It's impossible to get a sense of who they are and what they'd bring to campus.

That’s a huge red flag for admissions officers!

And if you read any of the viral news stories of perfect applicants you will now see why they got rejected.

It breaks my heart to see ambitious kids pour everything into high school only to miss out on their top choices because they didn't think strategically.

So to help bridge that gap, I’m making my Student Branding Masterclass more accessible.

Previously it was somewhat hidden and difficult to access.

But now, for the price of one masterclass, you'll get access to four more of my essential admissions training sessions:

  • The Finding Your Passing Masterclass

  • The Strategic Edge Masterclass™

  • The Breakthrough Achievement Masterclass

  • The CommonApp crash-course


  • Twice-monthly group coaching to get all your questions answered.

  • A community of ambitious, high-achieving students to connect and grow with.

It's all happening inside my College Admissions Academy, for just $97 a month.

If your child is going to go all-in on high school anyway...

Why not do it in a way that maximizes their admissions odds?

One last thing—we're kicking off our first group coaching session on August 18th.

Click the link below and join us inside:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

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