It’s now open to everyone!

Access everything your child needs to maximize their admission chances and minimize their stress.

The doors to the College Admissions Academy are now open! 

After a few months of a beta launch and kicking off with the initial waitlist members…

We’ve incorporated the feedback and are now ready to roll out spots to every ambitious parent in my group who wants in. 

So what exactly is the College Admissions Academy?

It's everything your child needs to maximize their admission chances and minimize their stress.

We accomplish this through three key pillars:

Proprietary Admissions Models


Specialized Guidance


A Supporting Community

Let’s walk through each one of them:

  1. Proprietary Admissions Models

We currently have 5 Masterclass modules that cover everything your child needs to prepare a strong profile for admissions.

From how to brand the student to building the application, we share everything your child needs to win the admissions game.

Take a look at the current curriculum:

  • How to Build a Student Brand Masterclass

  • Finding Your Passion Masterclass

  • Strategic Edge™ Masterclass

  • The Breakthrough Achievement Masterclass

  • Building the Application Crash Course

Additionally, every month we will add new content based on students' needs and requests.

  1. Bi-weekly coaching calls and Q&A

I will host two live sessions per month so students can ask any of their admission-related questions.

These sessions are run by me, Dr. Agnia Grigas, and students will get their chance to submit their materials and ask any questions they have.

My goal is to help them adapt the modules to their unique situation, supplement their efforts, and solve any admission-related issues.

The first call will be hosted on August 18th and the deadline is approaching soon.

  1. Community

We believe in the power of building strong connections.

It's often hard for kids to find like-minded peers with ambitious goals.

As the saying goes, “You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

We want to help students make meaningful connections that serve them throughout their high school years and beyond.

Inside the academy, students can share their ideas, build projects, and share their experiences without the pressure of school and direct competition.

What about the investment?

We initially planned to charge between $2,000–$3,000 per year for access to the Academy.

And based on the feedback from our beta testers, families would happily pay that just for the masterclass content alone.

But I wanted to make this a no-brainer for you.

So instead of a big annual fee, we've decided to offer the Academy for a monthly investment of just $97.

Use the link below to grab a spot at the introductory price. 

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas avatar picture.

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’


I’m hosting the first group coaching on August 18th.

This is the best opportunity for your child to join and ask any pressing admission questions they may have.

Can’t wait to see your child on the first call!

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

🏫 Need recommendations or have admissions questions?
Click here to join a community of 18,000 ambitious parents.

📋 Need specialized help for your child?
Click here to get an initial admissions assessment for your child.


or to participate.