Most ambitious parents forget this.

Worried you're not doing enough? Read this.

A conversation with a mom reminded me that while most of us feel we are too hard on our kids at times…

We often don’t realize that we can also be too hard on ourselves.

In fact, we’re probably more critical of ourselves than we are of them. 

Even though helping our kids with college admissions is a “second job” for most...

We always worry we’re not doing enough to create the best opportunities for them.

But just like none of our kids are perfect…

We will never be either.

And that’s okay.

What truly matters is that we love and care enough to take action.

In 10 years our kids may not even remember any mistakes we made with their applications.

But they will remember that we were there for them.

That’s one of the greatest gifts we can give them.

If you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious about their future, take this chance to breathe, step back, and remind yourself you’re doing your best.

That’s all you can truly do.

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas avatar picture.

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’


Our community is filled with other loving parents who also want the best for their kids. 

Everyone is welcome to ask questions, share insights, and offer suggestions.

You can also reply to this email with your thoughts and suggest any topics you want covered.

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

🏫Need recommendations or have admissions questions?
Click here to join a community of 18,000 ambitious parents.

📋 Need specialized help for your child?
Click here to get an initial admissions assessment for your child.


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