Misleading admissions stats.

Proceed with caution.

There's something interesting I see all the time in Facebook groups:

If a parent or student posts the colleges they got into…

You can bet there will be comments asking about test scores and GPAs.

But these “stats” can be misleading.

That's because they just show if a student met the benchmarks for the specific university.

Aside from this, you can't tell much from stats, especially not why they got in.

That's because numbers alone can't capture a student's unique qualities, personality, or personal achievements.

So if you ever asked this question and fell for the comparison trap…

⚠️ Proceed with caution. 

Chances are your child won’t gain admission by reverse engineering another student's profile.

I’ve seen this “strategy” backfire many times.

The real advantage is finding what makes them unique and showing that off in their application.

As Anu—a longtime community member and marketing professional—shared in our community today:

"I have always tried to encourage my children to think about how they're different/unique in their own way, rather than get bogged down on how they can 'be better, smarter, [fill in your favorite xxxx-er]' than their classmates...

Your masterclass, 'How to Create a Student Brand' gave me the knowledge and tools I need as a parent to help my son value his unique strengths/perspective and BEGIN the process of discovering his 'brand.'"

If you want to learn more about the masterclass Anu mentioned, it’s not available on its own.

You can only get it after you buy my book "How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game."

I know it’s a little hidden—but that’s on purpose ;)

To get your copy of the book—and see the full masterclass details—click the link below:


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