Is your first child a trial run? 👀

With the first child, it sometimes feels like we’re just figuring things out as we go.

When your oldest child starts high school, it’s not just a new chapter for them.

It’s also a new chapter for us as parents.

But nobody ever talks about that.

While we focus on helping our children adjust, we sometimes overlook our own learning journey as parents.

There was no guide, no clear roadmap, and certainly no class to teach us how to handle it all.

So what do most of us do?

  • We rely on trial and error.

  • We look to our families, friends, and other parents, trying to gather wisdom.

  • We search through news articles and forums, hoping to find the perfect solution.

And while we pick up some valuable lessons along the way…

All this journey really shows us is what not to do with our younger kids.

With the first child, it sometimes feels like we’re just figuring things out as we go.

But why does it have to be at the expense of our oldest child? Why not get it right the first time around?

That’s why I wrote my book:

 “How to Win the Million Dollar Admissions Game.”

To help parents skip the myths, avoid common mistakes, and get all their kids on the right track, even before high school.

If you want to avoid taking the trial-and-error approach, you’ll appreciate all the strategies and insights I’ve included in the book. 

Here’s a quick look at what’s inside:

  • How the college admissions process has changed into something most parents wouldn't even recognize. Check out what’s new about the admissions process in Chapter 1.

  • The massive misunderstanding around the "well-rounded student" narrative. Why this myth might lead to your child's application being dismissed and how to prevent this in Chapter 4.

  • Your ultimate parent checklist: Help your child reach their full potential. Use these seven strategies to boost your child’s chances of success… Available in Chapter 4.

You can get instant access to the book today for just $7.99 by clicking the link below. 

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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