I can prove that your child is unique.

(Even if they don't think so)

Have you ever found yourself thinking:

"My child isn't unique... They're just a normal kid."

I hear this sentiment all the time, and I get where it comes from.

With all the competition for college spots, it can feel like your child needs to be a prodigy just to stand out.

But after yesterday's College Admissions Academy call, I can confidently say:

Your child is unique!

Every student has something unique to offer. They just need help finding it.

That's exactly what we did in yesterday's College Admissions Academy coaching session. 

We talked about “The Four Pillars of a Student Brand.”

At first, students were shy.

When I asked them to share what they’re good at and what excites them, many had trouble putting it into words.

As the call went on, something incredible happened... 

Students began opening up and sharing stories that revealed what they care about and important parts of who they are.

"I flew to Thailand by myself to volunteer with elephants at sanctuaries. We fed them, bathed them, planted food for them. I did this because I'm passionate about helping animals."

A great story that showcases independence, global perspective, and compassion for animals.

Another student shared:

"I upgraded my school's broadcasting club from a tiny club to a near professional broadcast."

A remarkable and unique story that shows leadership, planning, and initiative.

And another:

"I want to learn about different languages and cultures because I see a lot of people whose cultures or countries of origin are being ignored. And I want to be educated about who their people are and help educate people to learn the same."

This student’s curiosity, empathy, and passion for bringing people together are special—they stand out.

Each of these stories gave us a peek into what makes each student special.

Little by little, our students figure out their strengths, find what makes them unique, and start tackling everything they do with focus and drive.

Unfortunately, most students wait until 11th or 12th grade to think about this—when deadlines are closing in, and they’re scrambling to find stories and achievements to share.

By doing this work early, your child gains a huge advantage.

They get to shape how they present themselves to colleges, what I call their “Student Brand.”

Our Academy students are moving way ahead of the game.

They won’t just hope to get accepted at any college… they’ll be ready to choose the college they want to attend.

If your child missed yesterday's call, don't worry—the recording is available inside the Academy.

Our next session will be even better as we continue helping them build their unique Student Brands.

If you're still unsure if the Academy is a good fit, feel free to reply to this email with any questions.

I hope to see more students on the next call in 2 weeks!

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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