How to make the college application easy

A lot of great opportunities come with mastering the application process.

There’s one reason why building a college application is hard for high school students:

It’s their very first time doing it.

Like speaking in front of a crowd, or baking a cake, the first try usually isn’t the best.

Fortunately, it just takes a little practice and a couple of failed attempts until they start getting good at it.

You see, building strong applications is a skill that can and should be practiced by every student.

A lot of great opportunities come with mastering the application process.

If they start learning this skill early, they will develop a big advantage when applying to colleges.

Unfortunately, most students don’t know how to practice this skill.

The good news?

It’s actually pretty simple!

Help your kids find relevant academic programs, internships, and even scholarships, and apply to them.

Yes, even if they don’t think they’ll get in.

Now, you can expect some pushback from your kids.

The students I mentor often find it hard to follow this advice because they are scared of being rejected.

But they soon find out it’s okay, as long as they:

  • Put their best effort into the application.

  • Learn from their mistakes.

At the end of the day, they’ll open up new opportunities, learn how to sell themselves through an application and build their resilience muscles.

It’s a win-win-win scenario.

And if you’re looking for advice on how to make ANY application stand out…

I've laid it all out step-by-step in my book:

“How to Win the Million Dollar Admissions Game”

Chapter 1 and Chapter 9 will be especially helpful.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll find inside:

  • How to put all the application pieces together in a strategic and stress-free way.

  • The power of personal branding, and what it means for your kid's application.

  • A simple technique to combine academics, extracurriculars, and passions, to make the application irresistible to admissions officers.

The book is $7.99 and you can get your copy by clicking the link below:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas avatar picture.

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

PS. Don’t forget to post any wins from this exercise in our Facebook group!

I’m always hearing about students getting into programs they didn’t think they were qualified for.

Your story might help another family take more leaps of faith and build this crucial skill set.

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

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