How to help your 11th grader without being pushy

As much as you want to guide and support them, the last thing you want is to come off as a "pushy" mom or a “pushy” dad.

If you’re part of our community, you have a smart and ambitious kid…

You also want them to get an excellent education, but the admissions game can feel confusing, especially during Junior year. 

And as much as you want to guide and support them, the last thing you want is to come off as a "pushy" mom or a “pushy” dad.

It’s a delicate balance.

I often talk with incredible parents who are overwhelmed with college admissions information, searching for the “best” path forward.

But here's the truth:

There is no single "best" path.

Most families have these three options:

  1. Student Only: Your child manages the admissions process alone, trying not to miss important opportunities or deadlines. It's doable, but it can be stressful and overwhelming.

  2. Student + Parents: You help your child research and gather advice from various sources to create a plan. It's also doable but time-consuming, and you might still wonder if you're on the right track.

  3. The Guided Path: You can get step-by-step guidance and expert help throughout your child's junior year. This path maximizes their strengths, minimizes stress, and leads to better results.

If the guided path resonates with you, I am happy to announce we just opened the doors to the 11th-grade cohort of the College Admissions Academy.

My goal is to make admissions simple, so you can feel confident about your child's future, knowing they are going through this journey under my careful guidance...

This way, by senior year, they're simply putting the finishing touches on an excellent application, while you cheer them on.

The value the Academy offers is, as our members often say, priceless.

And if you join now, you'll get:

  • A 1-on-1 consulting session with me.

  • A 20-minute strategy session to make the most of our platform.

  • Two easy-to-follow reports to support your child’s journey.

    • Find Your Strengths: A Short Guide to Uncovering What Makes Your Child Unique for College Success.

    • The College Almanac ROI on 1000 Colleges: An Unbiased Breakdown of Return On Investment, Admissions Data, and Key Success Indicators

These early sign-up gifts disappear this Sunday at midnight Pacific Time.

So, if you're ready to give your child the competitive edge they deserve...

If you're ready to say goodbye to the stress and hello to a strategic, supported journey for your whole family...

There's no better time than now.

Click the link below to join:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

P.S. As always, if you have any questions about the Academy, or if this is a good fit for your child, please send them my way by replying to this email.

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

🏫 Need recommendations or have admissions questions?
Click here to join a community of 19,000 ambitious parents.

📋 Need specialized help for your child?
Click here to get an initial admissions assessment for your child.


or to participate.