How to avoid generic admissions advice

Personalized feedback always has a bigger impact than generic examples.

This past Sunday, I hosted the 2nd College Admissions Academy group call.

The topic was the Student Brand. 

Here’s some of what we covered:

  • How to identify your child's unique strengths and interests?

  • How to tell hobbies apart from real passions?

  • Strategies to match talents with potential college majors.

Most importantly, I got to learn a little more about my students.

Because they shared their interests and strengths, I could share what’s worked for other students with similar goals.

Personalized feedback always has a bigger impact than generic examples.

For example, I shared how some of my students have published opinion pieces at an early age...

Then one student's passion for cubing (solving Rubik's cubes) started a discussion on how even hobbies can become a standout part of their application.

And we had many more insightful discussions like these (if your child couldn’t be there live they can always watch the recording!)

This is why I love the live format we use in the Academy.

We can tackle questions and clear up myths right away, so they don’t hold students back.

The more a student shares, the easier it is to help them build a unique personal brand.

I'm grateful to all the students who came ready to learn. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of their dedicated parents.

I look forward to seeing more students on the next group call!

If your child isn’t in the Academy yet, but you’ve got more questions about what we do or how it works, please don't hesitate to reach out.

I'm always happy to chat and see how I can help with your child’s college prep.

Just reply to this email, and I'll get back to you.

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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