How High-Achieving High School Juniors Can Reduce Stress and Focus on College Admissions

Strategies for 11th-grade Students to Manage Stress and Optimize College Prep

“My daughter is only a Sophomore, she’s stressing over school and all her activities. She’s in the top 10% of her class, co-captain of the Tennis team, first row in Choir, and volunteers every weekend. She’s also taking 2 APs and an honors course also studying for the PSAT in October

She's doing way too much but I’m too afraid to say something for fear that she...”

These messages pop up all the time in my inbox...

Some of you might think this sounds exaggerated. Others are probably living through it right now.

The truth is, high-achieving students rarely struggle with not doing enough.

Their issues look more like this:

  • Spending time on the wrong activities.

  • Poor timing, and doing things out of sequence.

  • Or simply putting too much on their plates.

But no matter what, there’s one thing they all deal with:

The constant stress and uncertainty.

It’s normal to feel this way the first time you’re dealing with college admissions, especially if students don’t pause and take the time to map out a plan for high school..

But when they finally do, it can be extremely eye-opening.

Many of them realize they’re in a much better position than they thought, and once they get clear on things, they can focus on what’s in front of them.

This is how my students end up achieving far better results with less stress.

Unfortunately, the confusion tends to peak during junior year.

To help with that, I’ve been working for the last few days on revamping my Junior Year Timeline.

It’s a short video where I break down exactly what students should be focusing on month by month, and I also added the PDF timeline so you can print it out and always have it at hand.

This way you’ll always know what's coming up.

If you have an 11th grader who's feeling overwhelmed or simply wants to have a plan for the upcoming year...

Just reply to this email with the word timeline and a team member will send it your way.

I hope the timeline gives you the peace of mind you both need to navigate this challenging year with confidence.

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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