For Rising 9th Graders Only

She's just a normal kid. What's with all the rush?

I recently saw this comment on a Facebook group:

"My daughter is just starting 9th grade. It feels too early to think about college! She's just a normal kid. What's with all the rush? 🙄"

I hear this sentiment often, and while I understand some parents want to “let kids be kids”...

9th grade is actually a great time to start preparing for college.

Yes, even for "normal" kids.

The truth is, this is a transition period.

The stakes are higher, the competition is fiercer, and the decisions your child makes now can have a lasting impact on their future.

I'd argue that 9th grade is the most critical year of all.

It sets the foundation for everything that comes after.

Think about it...

Class rank, GPA, standardized tests, extracurriculars—they all start in 9th grade.

And if your child isn't strategic about their choices from day one, they risk falling behind their peers and limiting their future options.

So what can you do to set your child up for success?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Encourage them to choose classes strategically.

The worst option is to choose the easy route of enrolling in the same classes as their friends.

A much better approach is to select courses that align with their interests, challenge them academically, and position them well for college.

  1. Help them build relationships with teachers and counselors.

These are the people who will be writing your child's recommendation letters down the road.

Developing strong connections now can lead to glowing endorsements later.

  1. Guide them in choosing meaningful extracurricular activities.

Colleges want to see depth, not breadth.

One or two activities that your child is truly passionate about and can grow in are far more impressive than a bunch of random activities.

I know, it's a lot to think about.

It's normal to feel anxious as your child takes on more independence.

But with your support and guidance, they can navigate this transition successfully.

And if you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start, just remember...

You don't have to do it alone.

Inside the College Admissions Academy, I guide students through this process, from choosing the right classes to building a standout extracurricular profile.

And I'm excited to announce that I'm hosting the first group coaching call this Sunday at 11am PT! (2pm ET)

It's your chance to get personalized advice, hear from other families, and ensure your child is on the right track from the very beginning.

A little preparation now can make all the difference later.

For all the details and to sign up, click the link below:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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