Fixing your child’s weaknesses—and why it’s wrong.

It's tempting to push our kids to excel across the board, to fix every little weakness.

In college admissions, there are two types of students.

The first group does everything "right."

They maintain high GPAs, ace tests, choose a sport, pick up an instrument, and work hard to improve their weaknesses.

These students work hard, maybe even harder than the second group.

Yet, many of them still face rejection even from their target colleges.

Now, let's look at the second group...

These students also work hard, perform well academically, and have similar extracurriculars.

The difference is that, unlike the first group, they don’t waste time trying to fix every flaw. 

Instead, they focus on building their natural strengths.

This difference is key.

The time and energy they put into their strengths pays off big and opens new doors—projects, competitions, internships, scholarships, and more.

The second group does not “fix their flaws” based on what they think colleges want.

They remain true to themselves.

And it makes all the difference.

This authenticity helps them stand out, leading to college acceptance and long-term success.

As a parent, you play a crucial role.

The headlines of seemingly perfect students getting rejected can cloud our judgment.

It may tempt us to push our kids to excel across the board, to fix every little weakness.

But what if we shifted our focus? What if we helped them discover and develop their natural gifts?

By doing so, we give our children the confidence to pursue what makes them unique.

We help them find the direction and purpose that sets them apart from their well-rounded peers

In the end, we’re not just getting them ready for college—we’re getting them ready for life.

So if you’ve ever felt stuck in “fixing weaknesses” mode, consider a different approach.

Start nurturing what your child does best.

Because when we do, we’re not just helping them stand out—we’re helping them reach their full potential.


Have you noticed any special talents or passions in your child? I’d love to hear about them.

Hit reply and share your story with me—I read every email.

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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