The easiest way to get kids to read.

(It's also a fantastic bonding activity.)

Here’s an easy way to get your kid addicted to reading this summer:

For the last couple of years, I've been joining in on local library challenges…

Where I live, in Los Angeles, the local library posts a reading list with prizes to incentivize children to read a certain number of books over the summer.

This is a great way to:

  • Get children to set reading goals.

  • Get them excited and motivated to read.

  • Encourage them to read a wide variety of titles.

It’s also a fantastic bonding activity when you join them on their challenge and read the same books.

But what if you have teenage kids? (Or if your local library doesn’t post these challenges)

As kids get older, their interests and priorities change.

They develop their own reading interests, and may not be as eager to participate in the library challenges anymore…

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to overcome this challenge.

Create your own family reading challenge and tailor it to your teen’s reading interests and goals.

All you need is a book list and some exciting prizes to motivate them to read.

So let’s do something different today:

Reply to this email with your best book recommendations!

Fiction or non-fiction, it could be anything you (or your kid) enjoyed reading.

If enough of you respond, I will turn everyone’s recommendation into a list and share it tomorrow.

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas avatar picture.

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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