Drowning in information

All that research just to end up with more questions than answers…

If you've ever tried to research the college admissions process on your own, you might have noticed something interesting:

The internet can be both a blessing and a curse.

There's so much information out there, waiting to be discovered...

  • You can sift through the common data sets for every college on your child's dream list.

  • You can find countless tutorials and articles on crafting the perfect college list.

  • You can read about writing a stellar college essay and navigating the common app.

  • You can even ask other parents what their children are doing via forums and groups.

The list goes on and on.

And this is where most parents find the biggest issue.

There's simply TOO MUCH information to sift through!

There’s just so much research you can do in your “free” time.

On top of that, some of the advice is conflicting or simply doesn’t apply to your child’s unique situation.

Doing all that research just to end up with more questions than answers…

It’s discouraging at best, and overwhelming at worst.

And when we get too overwhelmed, we tend to take the path of least resistance: 

Procrastination and avoidance.

Sound familiar?

Every mom and dad I speak with has their own version of this.

And it's precisely why I'm creating the College Admissions Academy.

My goal is to equip families with the most relevant, and up-to-date information.

No more feelings of anxiety or overwhelm.

Just a clear path with step-by-step guidance so they know exactly what to do at each stage of the admissions journey.

The doors to the academy will be opening soon.

If you already signed up for the waitlist, I'll be sending you some additional info this week.

If you haven't joined yet you can do it by clicking the link below:

To your child’s success,

Avatar Picture - Dr. Agnia Grigas

Dr. Agnia Grigas

Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ”How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game”

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

🏫 Need recommendations or have admissions questions? Join a community of 17,000 ambitious parents by clicking here.


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