Dodging the major decision.

All majors are viable—but only for certain students.

When parents ask me questions about what majors their children should choose, I never give them a generic answer such as…

“Don’t pick Computer Science anymore, it’s too crowded now.”


“Stay away from Marine Biology, there are no job prospects.”

Instead, I tell them to avoid this single mistake:

The worst decision they can make is waiting until the last minute when the Common App deadline forces them to choose.

At that point, most students pick a major hastily, often motivated solely by financial expectations.

While there’s nothing wrong with choosing a major with career prospects…

It must be closely aligned with their interests and activities in high school.

If it doesn’t, students put themselves at a massive disadvantage.

Picking a major should be a priority on your kid’s college search simply because the earlier they can make an informed decision…

The longer they have to:

  • Align their extracurricular activities.

  • Build transferable skills and talents.

  • Gain experience and stories they can use in their essay.

This is a simple way to stand out from similar candidates who can't show why they should be admitted to study their chosen field.

And it also gives admissions officers a much easier choice.

If your child has multiple viable paths available to them and is struggling to make a decision… 

Chapter 6 of my book “How to Win the Million Dollar Admissions Game” provides a comprehensive guide to navigating this critical decision-making process.

Inside you’ll find:

  • How your child can pick the best major.

  • The six investment-related questions your child should ask during their major search.

  • How to match your child’s unique personality with what the world needs.

  • Along with many other major selection tools and secrets.

You can grab a copy for just $2.99 by clicking the link below.

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas avatar picture.

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

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