Does your child fit these requirements?

The ideal stage to start strategizing and building their unique profiles.

Last week, I shared with you all the exciting details about our new College Admissions Academy and the comprehensive curriculum it offers, including:

  • The Student Brand Masterclass

  • The Finding Your Passing Masterclass

  • The Strategic Edge Masterclass™

  • The Breakthrough Achievement Masterclass

  • The CommonApp Crash-Course

After sending that email, my inbox was flooded with responses from parents, all asking the same question:

"When is the best time for my child to join?"

And no, the answer is not “as soon as possible” this time.

You see, the training inside the Academy is quite targeted and specific. It's designed to give students the maximum benefit based on where they are in their academic journey.

Here’s who will benefit from the Academy the most:

  1. Rising 9th and 10th graders.

These students have the most to gain from the Academy. They're at the ideal stage to start strategizing and building their unique profiles. 

The content was designed for them, a mature 8th grader could also benefit from it, but we leave this decision up to the parent’s discretion.

Rising juniors and seniors might find the Academy much less useful. They simply have less time to implement the strategies and make a significant impact on their applications.

  1. Students who are serious about their college goals.

The Academy is specifically designed for students who are truly committed to attending competitive colleges.

We don't cover study tactics or provide academic guidance in the Academy. That's because we expect our students to already have their academics in order.

As you may know, top grades and test scores are a prerequisite for admission to elite colleges.

Instead, we focus on the often-overlooked aspects of college admissions: extracurricular strategy, profile building, developing breakthrough achievements, and practical admissions advice.

  1. Students who understand the value of targeted extracurriculars and personal branding.

Gone are the days when being a well-rounded student was enough to impress admissions officers.

Today, top colleges are looking for students with a clear focus and passion.

Some students still cling to the idea of being involved in a wide range of activities, hoping to appear well-rounded. But this strategy simply doesn't work anymore.

The Academy is for students who are ready to narrow their focus, identify their true passions, and build a compelling personal brand.

Only then can they fully benefit from the curriculum and strategies we offer.

If your child fits this description and you want to give them the best chance at getting into their dream school…

Then don’t wait to sign up for the College Admissions Academy.

The first coaching call is happening this Sunday, August 18th, and you don't want your child to miss out.

When they join the Academy, they'll get access to:

  • Two group coaching calls every month.

  • A community of motivated, ambitious peers.

  • The five masterclasses above.

  • All future updates to the Academy curriculum.

Click the link below to lock in their spot:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

Resources for Ambitious Parents!

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Click here to join a community of 19,000 ambitious parents.

📋 Need specialized help for your child?
Click here to get an initial admissions assessment for your child.


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