Are our kids making our same mistakes?

No wonder we're seeing skyrocketing rates of anxiety and burnout among high school students!

It's funny how things come full circle…

Just today I was watching a video by Cal Newport called "Slow Productivity"...

And let me tell you, it hit home—not just for me as a busy parent and mentor, but for the high-achieving students I work with every day.

You see, we've got this idea that being busy equals being effective, that somehow, the more clubs you join, the more volunteer hours you log, and the more AP classes you cram into your schedule...

The more "successful" you'll be.

But Newport explains how this approach often backfires due to something called "attention residue."

Basically, when we're constantly juggling different activities, our brains can't fully focus. We end up exhausted and not actually performing at our best.

It's no wonder we're seeing skyrocketing rates of anxiety and burnout among high school students!

They are facing the same burnout-inducing habits we as adults are trying to escape in the pursuit of our own goals and advancing our careers.

So what's the solution?

Newport lays out three principles for "slow productivity":

  1. Do fewer things at once

  2. Work at a natural pace

  3. Obsess over quality (not quantity)

And here's the thing...

These align PERFECTLY with the philosophy I've been preaching for years when it comes to college admissions.

Colleges aren't looking for well-rounded students who have dabbled in a little bit of everything.

They want to see applicants who have found their passion and pursued it with depth and commitment.

By slowing down and focusing on quality over quantity...

Your kids can actually accomplish more, create better work, and feel a whole lot happier in the process.

And that's exactly the philosophy I’m bringing to the College Admissions Academy.

That’s why I’ve made part of the core curriculum the Student Brand Masterclass and the Breakthrough Achievement Masterclass.

These are two of my core strategies for helping students get into competitive colleges.

But it's not just about the content...

The real magic happens in the community.

Imagine your child connecting with like-minded peers, getting feedback on their projects, and feeling supported in their journey...

And having my guidance through the bi-weekly coaching calls and Q&A sessions.

That's the experience we're building inside the Academy.

I'll be sharing more details this week, but if you want to be first in line when we open the doors?

Get on the waitlist by clicking the link below:

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas avatar picture.

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

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