Applying to college off-balance.

Keeping students on track even if life throws you a curve ball.

Today, while on my morning walk, I was thinking about all the roles we all have, such as: 

  • Parents

  • Professionals

  • Spouses

  • Friends

  • And members of our communities.

Now, balancing these roles comes naturally because we are used to it.

But sometimes, unexpected life circumstances throw us off balance.

And if we’re not prepared, we will have a hard time getting back on track.

I talk to a lot of parents who share similar stories before they sign up for my programs, usually when their kid is in 11th grade.

This is a real story:

“We knew we had to prepare, but we thought we had more time. Suddenly, 11th grade was here—our child had no college list, no breakthrough achievement, no compelling brand. Then, life happened—a work issue—and we found ourselves completely off balance, with one more crisis on our plates.”

A Junior Student’s Mom

All the stress and anxiety associated with college admissions is rooted in a lack of preparation.

That's why we're launching the "College Admissions Academy" for 9th and 10th graders.

Because it's their best (and last) chance for a smooth application season.

They can get back on track and begin making progress toward their college goals.

This will give you and your child confidence even if life decides to throw you off balance.

The academy isn't open quite yet, but you can join the waitlist by clicking the link below:


or to participate.