3 questions to evaluate your child's home environment

First things first—a big thank you to everyone who sent in their book recommendations.

It warms my heart to know that yesterday's little hack about getting your children to read more this summer struck a chord with so many of you.

You see, as parents, it's on us to create an environment where our children can thrive.

A space where they can focus, learn, study, read, complete tasks... and feel supported every step of the way.

Reading more?

It's just one of the many positive outcomes that happen when you build the right atmosphere at home.

In my foundations program, I always ask parents to imagine this scenario:

If a stranger were to walk into your home…

  • What would they see?

  • What would they hear?

  • Does your home environment support the kind of curiosity and learning that you want your child to value and pursue?

These questions are KEY to evaluating the type of environment we're creating for our children.

Extensive research shows that the home environment has a significant long-term impact on a student's educational development.

Creating the right home environment is by far the easiest way to set your child up for success, no matter what their passions and pursuits may be.

I dive deep into this topic in Chapter 2 of my new best-selling book

"How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game"

Inside Chapter 2 you’ll also find:

  • My top tip for mapping out your child's curriculum path

  • How to know if your child is accelerating too much (or not enough)

  • Whether your child's middle school grades will appear on their high school transcript

  • And so much more...

The book is just $2.99, and you can grab your copy by clicking the link below:

(Keep scrolling for the reading list…)

To your child’s success,

Dr. Agnia Grigas avatar picture.

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Founder - College Admissions Secrets
Author - ‘‘How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game’’

Book recommendations by community members:

Thank you, Meghana.

The Three-Body Problem

Both my girls have read this book and have loved it .. and this is the book review from my older daughter..

“Cixin used all these very cool physics concepts to illustrate the effects of colonialism. Despite being so far away from reality, its depiction of the Cultural Revolution was quite enlightening---it's one of those books that sits at the edge between fiction and reality and does so rather beautifully.

All of the characters are so compelling in their own way and the whole piece is so incredibly riveting. Truly made me fall in love with sci-fi again wowwwww.”

Thank you, Gülnar:

My 14 year old recommends classic authors like Edgar Allan Poe and Charles Dickens.

She also likes reading classic fantasy books like Harry Potter, Six Crimson Cranes, Dune, the 100, The and Lord of the Rings.

Thank you, Abinaya:

9 year old recommends my life series and Timmy failure series

Thank you, Shabnam:

My 11 year old reccommends Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Thank you, Mari:

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Thank you, Jitka:

Recently, my son really loved these fantasy books series - they are for late middle school/early high school.

- Eragon

- Gone, by Michael Grant

- Scythe

Thank you, Martin.

“The signal and the noise” – Nate Silver

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